We combine exceptional service and expertise to deliver game changing leadership solutions for our clients partners and candidates.

Deabadh Group exists to solve the critical talent issues facing our clients, both large and small. Our unique proven methodology refined over 20 years provides you with the highest possible standard of service and quality whilst maximising speed.
Search: Speed and Purpose
Deliver C Suite & NED candidates who are best suited to lead the way forward.
C Suite
Consistent, global success in leading challenging searches for top class C-Suite talent over 20 years takes a certain style and approach. Our rigorous industry leading search methodology allows us to find the right candidates and then to partner with our clients and candidates to ensure that the mix is right - every time.
We know what it takes to find leaders who fit in with your organization and make it stand out. Our team have a deep knowledge of your industry, appreciate your corporate culture and recognize the challenges that are unique to your organization. So you can make the best possible decision for the long term, the first time.
Our best of breed proprietary project based methodology results in very high levels of search speed and quality. We utilize best of breed in predictive science in terms of assessments and tools. We offer a winning combination which continues to generate sustainable long term value for our clients and our candidates.
We have a proven ability to gain access to the market's prime candidates and to influence access and career decisions. We are able to do so through our reputation, our knowledge of the influencer market and our on-going relationships with high calibre individuals.
Our global reach enables us to identify talent who are relocatable. Our insights tell us that diverse leadership teams generate better and more sustainable results, build stakeholder value and contribute more effectively to society.
The result - Over 20 years of consistent high quality speedy Search means we have developed a reputation as a top class boutique solution on a global basis.
Non Executive Directors
A creative contribution to the board - providing independent oversight and constructive challenge.
Deabadh understand the importance in selecting the right Independent Non-Executive Director/Chair to ensure the successful execution of strategic goals.
The expectations placed on boards by shareholders and stakeholders both internal and external are higher than ever.
Independent Non-Executive Directors are vital to any business as they bring specialist expertise and valuable insights. They are truly independent from the management of the company thus making them ideal for monitoring and evaluating a company’s executive directors. Furthermore, they ensure that companies are well-run, prepared for the future and able to meet those market expectations.
During our search process, we look at capabilities and skills, but also assess the personal attributes of non-executive candidates, to ensure they will provide the right balance of support and inspiration but also rigour and challenge in an appropriate manner.
Teams need a common goal yet all change is personal.
We offer a full range of support to the development of organization and individual capability. Our consulting approach supports leaders in focusing on both current and future individual capabilities and organization needs.
Team Effectiveness
As businesses grow in complexity & ambiguity, top performers need to become as good at leadership and team effectiveness as they are at delivering core products and services.
Our proprietary model on executive team behaviours has enabled Deabadh to partner with teams to unleash the potential collective talent of the leadership team. We focus on business objectives and stakeholders’ expectations to generate sustainable competitive advantage.
Individual executive members find that the Deabadh approach enhances their leadership competencies and crucially encourages an embedded culture of leadership through the Business.
Ensuring the organization, its management and all the people understand and embrace required ongoing change is a key executive role in all successful organizations. Our consulting team can support your organization in the leadership of change through the provision of models, tools, techniques and training that help to make this goal a reality.
Individual Mentor Coaching
“What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” – Marshall Goldsmith
All change is personal.
Deabadh’s unique Mentor Coaching methodology revolves around the application of proven commercial success to the world of the executive. You will be afforded the opportunity to choose your Mentor Coach from a panel of Deabadh’s expert team.
Mentor Coaching is a safe environment.
Deabadh Mentor Coaches are true partners who are totally committed to your success. Our aim is to ensure that you feel supported and challenged, where you can trust your Mentor Coach to champion the truth and say it how it really is.
Effective Mentor Coaching and Development optimises the balance between support and challenge. In the absence of Mentor Coaching we find that people do not flourish and take risk; in the absence of Development, people will miss the opportunity to excel. Development and change is a consequence of desire, vision and the confidence to act.
We work with successful executives looking to further improve their personal performance as well as individuals preparing to grow into a larger management and leadership role.
Whether you are 1st or 7th Generation we can help.
We provide specialist bespoke talent advice to families, family offices, family boards and to executive teams in Family Business.
As a Family Business with over 20 years of experience as a trusted advisor to Family Businesses in over 60 countries we understand the true complexity and unconventional wisdom of the Family Business universe.
Family Businesses tend to be counter cyclical and become more complex in later generations as the family tree branches out and the business expands. Yet only 30% of family firms make it to the second generation and of these merely 10% to the third.
Deabadh's unique Generational Transfer Methodology has helped many families navigate the biggest challenge most Family Businesses face as they pivot towards the future.
Our Mission
Committed to Excellence - Your Global Boutique
Our mission is to help you build winning leadership teams and optimize the return of your talent investment. We do this by leveraging our access to top talent, our sensitivity to culture and context and our unparalleled team of professionals. Above all, our commitment to quality governs everything we do.
Each step in our methodology is designed and implemented toward providing you with the highest possible standard of service and quality whilst maximising speed. We combine exceptional service and expertise to deliver game changing leadership solutions for our clients.
Deabadh Group offers the comprehensive capabilities and deep industry knowledge necessary to help you solve the most complex talent issues of your business. Since opening our doors in 2004, we’re proud to say that each year we have a bigger list of returning and new clients.
Want to experience the expertise of Deabadh Group for yourself? Give us a call today and let’s discuss what we can do for you.
A flavour of our clients

We Are Deabadh
Invaluable * Professional * Inspiration

Our Origins
The word Deabadh comes from the ancient Celtic sagas that are centred on Fionn and the Fianna (Warriors). A cycle of legends have gathered around Fionn and his men that were equally popular with the Gaels of both Ireland and Scotland. We read of their exploits in stories and poems preserved in the earliest Irish manuscripts.
Most of the Celtic sagas revolved around battles or hunts. The most famous chase of all is, however, not that of deer or boar but of a woman and a man. This is called Toraiocht (journey) of Diarmuid and Grainne.
The literal translation of Deabadh is urgency, sense of purpose, hurry, and in ancient Scottish-battle. Within the Toraiocht Deabadh is used to cover both urgency and sense of purpose, however, it is also means much more. A combination of excellent planning skills, strong negotiation skills, raw physical courage, the ability to come up with surprises that no one had envisaged (to think outside the box), intellectual rigour, pragmatism and an element of chutzpah - to use a non Irish expression.
All the above is inherent with Deabadh as a concept and a way of life.
Let’s Talk
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+353 1 657 5614 Ireland
+1 312 924 3753 USA
+44 207 873 2333 UK